
Front-end Build

A front end build using Bootstrap, consisting of standard components with some modifications and an Umbraco backend using C#. The menu component has multiple states and transitions for the different device sizes. The footer component is a triangle and expands to fit the screen width at various heights. I used the publish and subscribe design pattern, written in JavaScript, to control the interactions between the different components. The CSS is organised using the ITCSS architecture.

  • Date: January 29, 2018
  • Keywords: Front-end, Bootstrap, Publish/Subscribe Design Pattern, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, HTML5, Gulp, Git
  • Client: Geo Underwriting
  • Live View: http://www.geounderwriting.com

Front-end Build

A front end build using Bootstrap, consisting of the standard components and an Umbraco backend using C#. The CSS is organised using the ITCSS architecture.

  • Date: November 1, 2017
  • Keywords: Front-end, Bootstrap, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, HTML5, Gulp, Git
  • Client: Ardonagh
  • Live View: http://www.ardonagh.com

Front-end Build

A front end build with a customised grid system, consisting of standard components and an Umbraco backend using C#. The menu component is spread across the width of the device showing a subset of products per category. The CSS is organised using the ITCSS architecture.


WordPress Plugin

A WordPress custom toy box decorator plugin. Added to a WooCommerce shop. The front end, written in JavaScript, allows a customer to drag and drop images onto a canvas and resize and remove them. It allows the user to preview their design and then to purchase it through WooCommerce.


JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

By Anthony Alicea. This course helps me to understand advanced concepts such as objects and object literals, function expressions, prototypical inheritance, functional programming, scope chains, function constructors (plus new ES6 features), immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs), call, apply and bind. I also examined the source code of the jQuery library and was then able to build my own Javascript library.


Become the CSS Hero of Your Office with CSS Architecture

By Zsolt Nagy. This course helps me to build structured, maintainable, and scalable CSS through software engineering principles and best practices.